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Dendrobium Phalaenopsis

Dendrobium CARE :

The dendrobium phalaenopsis do well in an east window receiving direct sunlight until 11:00 or 11:30 a.m. and shade for the rest of the day. A south window is also suitable, but remember that the sun’s intensity increases dramatically from March 1 to the beginning of October. A sheer curtain should be used then to filter this stronger light. The other problem with a south window is that in mid-summer the sun gets so high that it fails to reach the plant. One can place these plants outside in bright shade from June 1 to September 1, being watchful for frost.

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Phragmipedium Orchid (Anggrek Kantong Semar)

Kingdom  : Plantae

Division   : Magnoliaphyta

Class         : Liliopsida

Ordo         : Aspragales

Famili      : Orchideae

Genus      :  Paphiopedilum

Phragmipediums are new world ladyslippers that grow from Mexico through the central and northern parts of South America. They can be found growing on rock outcroppings (Mexipedium xerophyticum), in forks of trees (caudatum), or volcanic clay (boisserianum and wallisii). Some plants such as longifolium, ecuadorense, pearcei, or klotzscheanum grow submerged underwater through periods of heavy rainfall.

The flowering season is heaviest in the spring. However many species can bloom for 6-11 months at a time, often one flower consecutively after another. The flower colors vary from green to mahogany-pink and the brightly fluorescent orange of Phragmipedium besseae, which was recently discovered in 1981. Since then, the Phragmipedium has been used to create several hybrids of amazing colors and shapes. Without a doubt, this genus of orchid produces some of the most eye popping flowers in the market.

Phragmipedium Care
Phrags like clean water such as rain water, distilled, or reverse osmosis (R.O.) system water. Almost all of the Phrags in nature grow slightly on the acid side with a pH ranging from 5.5 and lower. Municipal well water usually has limestone added to prevent pipeline corrosion. If the pH of the city water is 7.5 or lower, the following Phrags will do O.K. potted in bark/peat mix: Phrag. caudatum, wallisii, lindenii, pearcei, Mexipedium xerophyticum, longifolium ecuadorense and amazonicum. Phrag. boisserianum and besseae require clean water to do best. Water should be applied copiously as the plant approaches dryness. Do not let these plants become totally dry at the roots between watering! If in doubt: water. Plants which like somewhat drier conditions at the roots include caudatum, lindenii, wallisii, and Mexipedium xerophyticum.

We highly recommend Green Jungle Orchid Food, especially formulated to work with rain, distilled, reverse osmosis water or water low in alkalinity. Fertilize with Green Jungle every time you water, all year round. This is the fertilizer that we developed and use on our own plants. The results have been excellent.

For tap or well water, use GrowMore Urea Free 20-10-20 at the rate of 1/2 tsp. per gallon when using municipal water (well water), rain water, distilled, or R.O. water. When using rain, distilled or R.O. water, add back in 5-10% of your hard water to provide calcium and magnesium. Feed more heavily in spring and summer, less in fall and winter. Feed every second or third watering in summer at full strength and every fourth or fifth during the winter months.

Most Phrags require more light than Phalaenopsis or Paphiopedilums (2400 to 3000 foot-candles). However, plants like besseae, pearcei and ecuadorense will do well in diminished light. Some Phrags like caudatum can take stronger light as for Cattleyas. East or south window exposures work best. L.E.D. Grow Lights are an excellent artificial light source for Phragmipedilums.

Phrags generally require intermediate temperatures with days in the 70’s or 80’s (degrees Fahrenheit) and nights in the upper 50’s to low 60’s. Some Phrags like longifolium, sargentianum, pearcei, ecuadorense and hirtzii will tolerate slightly warmer temperatures. One problem that seems to occur during the summer is a soft, brown bacterial rot that appears at the base of the leaves. When you see this, carefully pull these infected leaves off and treat the plant with a bactericide such as Phyton-27 or Agri-Strep or streptomycin.

Grow in 50% to 70% humidity. Some phrags, like caudatum, can take humidity down to 35% in nature during the dry season, but the roots are always moist and the nighttime humidity is high. We offer the humidity tray and an ultra sonic fogger to help increase humidity.

The flowering seasons are various but the best flowers are produced during the spring season. Phrags can bloom wonderful colored flowers that can continue to bloom for several months. It is very common for Phrags to drop their flowers within one week of opening. Do not remove the flower spike as it will produce another bud and continue to flower. Once the flower spike has finished, it will eventually turn brown. If the plants are not flowering for you, they either are not big enough to bloom or they are not receiving enough light cool temperature at night to initiate blooming. Clean water is also very critical in producing good blooms.

Phragmepidiums need to be potted in medium that retains a lot of moisture. Repot every 1 – 2 years in fresh orchid bark mix or rock wool. Species best suited to bark mixes include caudatum, wallisii, lindenii, sargentianum and longifolium. Species best suited to bark mixes include caudatum, wallisii, lindenii, sargentianum and longifolium. Many phrags love a rockwool medium. Use rockwool medium mixed with 10% fine charcoal and 35% coarse perlite for drainage. (Plants potted in rockwool should be flushed with clear water every 2-3 weeks, as the rockwool can build up minerals.)

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Equitant Oncidium

The miniature Equitant Oncidiums originated in the Caribbean. These are great compact plants that are easy to grow for any beginner. These plants can often bloom more than once a year. Larger specimen plants or large collections of Equitants can provide some blooms most of the year round. Equitants come in many shades of colors and have flowers that can be solid in color, spotted or barred.

These delicacies can be found growing in their native habitats on small twigs at the ends of trees in high light exposed conditions. Therefore, they do well growing in an east window receiving sunlight from early in the morning until 11:00 or 11:30 a.m. They can also be grown in a south window as long as a sheer curtain is used to diffuse the light. If you are growing the plants under fluorescent lights, be sure you supply some incandescent light to make up for the end of the light spectrum. This will insure proper blooming. L.E.D. Grow Lights can provide more than enough light for healthy growth and frequent blooming.

Distilled, reverse osmosis or Rainwater is best as this is the quality of water they get in their natural habitat. Watering should always be done in the morning to insure total evaporation from the leaves by nightfall. Be sure to allow your plants to become totally dry between watering. On a slab, it usually means watering every day. In clay pots, potting in charcoal or tree fern, this can mean once every three days to once a week depending on the humidity and air movement around the growing area.

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Equitants like intermediate temperatures. They prefer a low of 60° F at night and a daytime temperature between 70-80°. They also love to be grown outside as long as the night temperatures do not fall below 50°.

We highly recommend Green Jungle Orchid Food, especially formulated to work with rain, distilled, reverse osmosis water or water low in alkalinity. Fertilize with Green Jungle every time you water, all year round. This is the fertilizer that we developed and use on our own plants. The results have been excellent.

For tap or well water, fertilize every other watering at the rate of ½ teaspoon per gallon using GrowMore 20-10-20.

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Anggrek Hitam


Kingdom       : Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh)
Super Divisi : Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan biji)
Divisi              : Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas               : Liliopsida (berkeping satu / monokotil)
Sub Kelas      : Liliidae
Ordo               : Orchidales
Famili             : Orchidaceae (suku anggrek-anggrekan)
Genus             : Coelogyne
Spesies           : Coelogyne pandurata

Anggrek hitam termasuk dalam anggrek golongan simpodial. Anggrek tipe ini membentuk rumpun, dimana tiap satuan tanaman saling terhubung dengan akar tinggal (rhizome). Tunas baru yang tumbuh muncul dari tanaman sebelumnya secara mendatar dan tumbuh ke atas. Tunas baru tersebut akan tumbuh lebih besar dan akan terlihat menggelembung pada batangnya. Disini terbentuk apa yang disebut sebagai umbi semu (pseudobulbs). Umbi semu berfungsi menyimpan air dan cadangan makanan dan jika tanaman ini kekurangan air ia tidak akan segera kekeringan Batangnya membentuk umbi semu, bundar panjang, pipih dengan panjang 10-15 cm. daunnya berbentuk lonjong, belipat-lipat panjang mencapai 40 cm dan lebar 10 cm.


Ekologi dan Syarat Tumbuh
Anggrek hitam merupakan anggrek epifit yang hidupnya menumpang pada tanaman inang. Penyebaran marga tanaman ini adalah Kalimantan dan Sumatera, dengan habitat hidup di pohon-pohon tua dekat sungai di hutan primer (kelembaban relatif tinggi). Tanaman ini tumbuh di dataran rendah maupun daerah pegunungan (dipertocarpt) dengan ketinggian 1.000-1.500 dpl. Kelembaban nisbi (RH) yang diperlukan untuk anggrek berkisar antara 60–85%.

Perbanyakan Tanaman 
Anggrek hitam dapat diperbanyak secara vegetatif dan generatif. Perbanyakan secara vegetatif dapat dilakukan dengan cara memisahkan anakan. Sedangkan perbanyakan secara generatif hanya bisa dilakukan secara laboratories.

a. Pembuatan Media Tanam 
Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh di media sabut kelapa, pakis dan serbuk gergaji, namun media yang paling sesuai adalah serbuk gergaji karena menyerupai habitat asli tumbuh tanaman ini. Serbuk gergaji terlebih dahulu direndam dengan air selama ± 24 jam untuk menghilangkan getah yang melekat di serbuk gergaji, kemudian di beri larutan fungisida agar terhindar dari serangan jamur.

b. Pemupukan 
Pemupukan diberikan sesuai umur tanaman dan dilakukan 2x dalam satu minggu. Pemupukan sebaiknya dilakukan pagi hari (06.00–07.00) atau sore hari (16.00– 18.00. Bila menggunakan pupuk berbentuk cair, semprotkan ke permukaan bawah daun, batang lalu ke akar. Jenis pupuk untuk anggrek hitam muda, pilih yang banyak mengandung unsur N untuk merangsang pertumbuhan vegetatif. Contohnya : Dekastar 22-8-4 , Vitabloom 30-10-10 atau GandasilD20-15-15. Jenis pupuk untuk anggrek dewasa, untuk merangsang pembungaan, contohnya : Hyponex (biru) : 10-40–15, Gandasil B 6 – 20 – 30 atau Growmore (orange) 6–30–30

c. Penyiraman
Frekwensi penyiraman tergantung umur tanaman dan kelembaban media tanam. Anggrek muda disiram 2x perhari yaitu yaitu pagi hari ( 06.00 – 08.00 ) dan sore hari ( 16.00 – 18.00 ), sedangkan anggrek dewasa cukup disiram sekali sehari pada pagi hari. Penyiraman terbaik dgn cara spray, ditujukan ke media, batang dan daun. Hindari menyiram bunga karena akan menyebabkan cepat rontok. Penyiraman juga dapat menggunakan air bekas cucian beras dan bekas cucian ikan maupun daging Perhatian : kalo daun terlihat layu atau kuning, kemungkinan karena terlalu banyak disiram.

d. Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit 
Pengendalian hama maupun penyakit yang menyerang tanaman anggrek hitam tergantung intensitas serangan. Penggunaan insektisida,herbisida dan fungisida haruslah tepat dosis, tepat waktu dan tepat serangan.

e. Panen/Pasca Panen
Setiap anggrek hitam dewasa akan menghasilkan anakan baru dimana pseudobulbnya akan mengeluarkan tangkai bunga dengan panjang tangkai bunga 10-90 cm (tergantung kesuburan tanaman anggrek). Kelebihan lain anggrek hitam ini sangat rajin berbunga biasanya dalam sebulan dia akan berbunga 4-5 kali dalam sebulan dengan lama mekar bunga ±7 hari Budidaya anggrek hitam sangatlah mudah dan ramah lingkungan sehingga tidak memerlukan biaya yang tinggi. Dengan budidaya yang tepat tentunya anggrek hitam akan terus mengeluarkan bunga dengan aroma dan warna yang indah.

Anggrek Hitam (Coelogyne pandurata) termasuk tumbuhan yang dilindungi undang-undang, sebagaimana tertuang dalam Lampiran PP No. 7 Tahun 1999, dan ada kententuan dalam Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1990 bahwa:

Setiap orang dilarang untuk :

  • mengambil, menebang, memiliki, merusak, memusnahkan, memelihara, mengangkut, dan memperniagakan tumbuhan yang dilindungi atau bagian-bagiannya dalam keadaan hidup atau mati;
  • mengeluarkan tumbuhan yang dilindungi atau bagian-bagiannya dalam keadaan hidup atau mati dari suatu tempat di Indonesia ke tempat lain di dalam atau di luar Indonesia. (Pasal 21 ayat (2))

Apabila ketentuan tersebut dilanggar maka ancamannya:

  • Barang siapa dengan sengaja melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21 ayat (2) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 100.000.000,00 (seratus juta rupiah). ( Pasal 40 ayat (2))
  • Barang siapa karena kelalaiannya melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21  ayat (2)  dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 50.000.000,00 (lima puluh juta rupiah).  ( Pasal 40 ayat (4))

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Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid/Anggrek Bulan)


Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Super Divisi: Spermatophyta
Divisi: Magnoliophyta
Kelas: Liliopsida
Sub Kelas: Liliidae
Ordo: Orchidales
Famili: Orchideae
Genus: Phalaenopsis
Spesies: Phalaenopsis amabilis Blume


Phalaenopsis enjoy a fairly warm climate. The ideal night temperature is 62 to 65 degrees F. and daytime temperature range of 70 to 80 degrees. Since this temperature range is similar to that of many homes, it makes an ideal house plant.

Light and Shade
Phalaenopsis do not require too much light to grow well. 1000-1500 foot-candles is the ideal light intensity required for Phalaenopsis. If grown in a windowsill, an east exposure proves to be the best. One must take care, though, not to burn the plant by allowing too much sunlight to shine directly on the plant. It is best to provide some shade, such as a sheer curtain, allowing perhaps a little more light to hit the plants from the beginning of December through the middle of February.

Water your Phalaenopsis early in the morning. This insures complete water evaporation on the foliage as well as the crown by nightfall. Water with rain, distilled, or reverse-osmosis water as the mix approaches dryness. Never use water that has been softened by a water softener. Generally Phalaenopsis require watering about once every 4 to 7 days. Plants should never stand in water! Plants that stand in water or that are watered in the evening will develop bacterial or fungal rot. Pull out the plant label and see if there is any water residue on it. If not, it is time for watering. The weight of the pot can also help determine weather it needs watering or not. The pot should be fairly heavy after watering.

We highly recommend Green Jungle Orchid Food, especially formulated to work with rain, distilled, reverse osmosis water or water low in alkalinity. If plant is potted in bark, fertilize with Green Jungle every time you water, all year round, then flush with clear water once a month. If potted in sphagnum moss, use Green Jungle every third watering. This is the fertilizer that we developed and use on our own plants. The results have been excellent.

For tap or well water, use Grow More 20-10-20 fertilizer every other watering in the summer and every third watering in the winter. Fertilize at the rate of one-half teaspoon per gallon.

Phalaenopsis are of a monopodial growth without any pseudobulbs to help store moisture. For this reason, it is important to provide good humidity. 50-70% is considered ideal. However, if the plant is kept well watered, it will adapt to a lower humidity.

Commonly referred to as the “moth orchid”, Phalaenopsis are one of the longest blooming orchid genera producing flowers that last from 2 to 6 months before dropping. Phalaenopsis have also been known to bloom 2 to 3 times per year once they have reached a mature size. After it has flowered the first time, cut the stem just above the node where the first flower bloomed. From the top node a new flower stem should emerge within 2 months. If there is no response or the flower spike turns brown, cut it off near the base of the plant where it emerged.

Because the Phalaenopsis is watered frequently, the potting breaks down about once per year. Spring or fall is considered the best time to repot because the temperature is generally mild, preventing shock. Use a medium grade orchid bark mix for plants in 5″ pots and above. We have found that New Zealand sphagnum moss works best for smaller Phalaenposis as it dries out more evenly.

Bud Blast
There are many factors that can cause buds to dry up and drop off the plants without ever opening. Check the following: Is the room too hot? Is the light level too low? Is the plant too dry or too wet (causing root rot, this is the most common cause)? Are you using softened water instead of clean water? Are you using too much fertilizer? Are the plants being subjected to a cool draft? Is the plant near strong fumes such as new carpets, refinishing woodwork, etc.? Bud blasting is a common problem with Phalaenopsis. Fortunately, there is almost always a reason that can be determined.

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Oncidium Orchid


Kingdom           : Plantae
Subkingdom    : Tracheobionta
Division             : Magnoliophyta
Class                 : Liliopsida (monocotyle)
Sub Kelas          : Liliidae
Ordo                  : Orchidales
Famili                 : Orchideae
Genus                 : Oncidium
Spesies               : Oncidium lanceanum

The Oncidium family is very large and includes many flower varieties. The most common flower variety is often referred to as the “dancing lady”. This instruction sheet deals with Oncidium types that have thin leaves, pseudobulbs, and branching sprays with flowers colored in yellow and mahogany.

Oncidium Care

1. Water
Water when the mix just approaches dryness. This will mean about every 5-7 days. A way to check the mix for moisture is by sticking a wooden pencil into the mix about 3”-4”. When you pull the pencil out, check the wooden end. If it has turned dark in color, the mix is still wet and you should wait a day or two. Oncidiums prefer clean water without a lot of mineral content. Therefore growing best when you use distilled, reverse osmosis or rainwater. Check out our Kent Marine page for more information on reverse osmosis systems. Do not use softened water.

2. Fertilizer
We highly recommend Green Jungle Orchid Food, especially formulated to work with rain, distilled, reverse osmosis water or water low in alkalinity. Fertilize with Green Jungle every time you water, all year round. This is the fertilizer that we developed and use on our own plants. The results have been excellent.

For tap or well water, fertilize with Grow More Urea Free 20-10-20, at the rate of 1/2 tsp. per gallon. Feed every other watering during the summer, and every third watering in winter.

3. Light
Grow in bright diffused light; east or west windows are ideal. South windows will work but one should be careful of the brilliant sun that will come in during the fall through spring months. If you have miniblinds or sheer curtains, you can break the light so that it is more diffused. One of the best types of artificial light you can provide for your orchids is by using L.E.D. Grow Lights. Be sure to check out our L.E.D. Grow Lights page for more information.

4. Temperature
Ideal night temperatures (fall, winter, and spring months) are 60°-64° Fahrenheit. Ideal daytime temperatures are 70°-85°F. Summer temperatures are generally a few degrees warmer.

5. Humidity
Humidity levels for these plants should be kept at 40% or above.

6. Flowering
Depending on the variety the flowering season can be at any time of year, but is generally heaviest in the fall and spring. Many hybrids can bloom 2-3 times per year. In order to initiate the flower spikes, it is important to grow the plant in an area where the night temperatures fall below 65°. Usually plants growing by a window are a couple of degrees cooler than the rest of the house. The flower spikes on Oncidiums generally grow to a medium or tall length and branch out in several directions. Keep a close eye on the spike (when it begins to produce flower buds) for aphids. Oncidiums are one of the most favored orchids of the aphid bug.

7. Repotting
Repot every 1 to 2 years as the mix breaks down or as the plant outgrows the pot. Plants potted in a bark mixture should be carefully pulled out of the pot. Clean off the roots of the old mix, being careful not to break the good roots. However, breaking roots when repotting is inevitable. Roots that are bad and should be cut off are those that are brown and mushy or papery. Those roots that are white or tan and are firm to the touch should be left alone. Simply place the plant into a new pot, placing the oldest growth towards the back of the pot so there is room for the newer growths to develop for about 1-2 years. Oncidiums can be divided when there are 6 or more pseudobulbs. Divide, leaving 3 growths per each division. Generally Oncidiums are planted in either an orchid bark mix or New Zealand sphagnum moss mixed with tree fern fiber.



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Anggrek Oncidium

Kingdom           : Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom    : Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh)
Super Divisi     : Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan biji)
Divisi                  : Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas                   : Liliopsida (berkeping satu / monokotil)
Sub Kelas          : Liliidae
Ordo                    : Orchidales
Famili                 : Orchideae (suku anggrek-anggrekan)
Genus                 : Oncidium
Spesies               : Oncidium lanceanum

            Nama Oncidium berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Yunani yaitu Onkos yang artinya bantalan yang mengacu pada bagian dari bibir bunga yang tebal berdaging. Oncidium dideskripsikan oleh O Swartz pada tahun 1800. Oncidium salah satu marga anggrek species yang berasal dari dataran Amerika dan tumbuh pada habitat tropis dan subtropis. Bentuk pertumbuhannya adalah simpodial. Oncidium termasuk anggrek yang juga sangat cepat pertumbuhannya, biasanya pseudobulbs baru akan bermunculan jika perawatannya sesuai dengan yang diinginkannya.

Umumnya oncidium yang umum dibudidayakan adalah hibrida dengan bentuk yang memiliki pseudobulbs bulat telur dan berdaun ada yang lunak (soft-leave). Daun anggrek Oncidium terkadang seperti rumput atau pita kecil yang keluar menjulang keatas dari puncak pseudobulbs dan tangkai bunga dengan panjang bervariasi antara 15-100 cm akan muncul dari pangkal pseudobulbs, tandan bunga memiliki banyak kuntum mencapai 40 dan 50 kuntum bunga yang mana bunga berukuran sekitar 3 -4 cm.

Daun anggrek oncidium seperti pencil (tereted – leaved). Daunnya berbentuk silindris dan tebal atau menyerupai pencil. Jenis Oncidium ini memiliki bungan dengan ukuran dan rupa yang hampir sama dengan oncidium soft-leaved. Type ini jarang ditemui di pasaran. Oncidium berdaun tunggal berwarna hijau pucat (terkadang dihiasi dengan bintik kemerahan atau abu-abu) yang lebar dan tebal (mule-eared) denganpseudobulbs yang sangat pendek dan tertutup seludang daun. Lebar daun sekitar 30 – 40 cm. Bunga yang dihasilkan umumnya cukup besar.

Cara Perawatan Anggrek Oncidium :

  1. Kebutuhan intensitas matahari lebih banyak 60 – 75 %. Diperlukan naungan dengan paranet agar intensitas matahari sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Anggrek oncidium menyukai kelembaban 50 %. Dengan temperatur yang cocok 28 ~ 32OC.
  2. Sebaiknya menggunakan pot tanah dan media arang untuk mendapatkan kelembaban yang pas.
  3. Penyiraman dilakukan 2 kali sehari. Pagi jam 09.00 dan sore jam 15.00.
  4. Untuk mencegah serangan hama dan penyakit, lakukan penyemprotan insektisida, fungisida dan bakterisida, secara rutin. Lakukan satu minggu sekali dan semprotkan sore hari.
  5. Pemupukan bisa diberikan NPK. Dan berikan dua minggu sekali dengan cara disiramkan. Pemupukan ini bisa dikombinasikan dengan pupuk daun cair dengan cara di semprotkan keseluruh tanaman.
  6. Untuk mempercepat pembungaan semprotkan hormon giberelin dengan dosis 1 – 2 mg/liter air.
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Anggrek Dendrobium

  Klasifikasi Anggrek Dendrobium

Kingdom: Plantae

Divisio: Spermatophyta

Sub Divisio: Angiospermae

Kelas: Monocotyledonae

Ordo: Orchidales

Famili: Orchidaceae

Sub famili: Epidendroidae

Genus: Dendrobium

Anggrek Dendrobium adalah salah satu marga anggrek epifit yang biasa digunakan sebagai tanaman hias ruang atau taman. Bunganya sangat bervariasi dan indah. Dendrobium relatif mudah dipelihara dan berbunga.

Pola pertumbuhan anggrek Dendrobium bertipe simpodial, artinya memiliki pertumbuhan ujung batang terbatas. Batang ini tumbuh terus dan akan berhenti setelah mencapai batas maksimum. Pertumbuhan ini akan dilanjutkan oleh anakan baru yang tumbuh di sampingnya. Pada anggrek simpodial ini terdapat penghubung yang disebut rhizoma atau batang di bawah tanah. Dari rhizoma ini akan keluar tunas anakan baru. Di antara rhizoma dan daun ada semacam umbi yang disebut pseudobulb (umbi palsu).

Anggrek ini cukup terkenal dan merupakan jenis anggrek yang paling banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Selain memiliki variasi warna cukup banyak, anggrek dendrobium mudah disilangkan dan mudah perawatannya. Apalagi, harga anggrek dendrobium lumayan terjangkau dibanding jenis anggrek lain, seperti anggrek bulan yang harganya selangit.

Anggrek dendrobium tumbuh secara alami di hutan-hutan tropis Indonesia. Anggrek ini sangat tahan terhadap kondisi kekurangan air yang cukup lama dibanding tanaman anggrek lainnya. Hal ini didukung dengan sifat tanaman anggrek yang epifit. Anggrek dendrobium tumbuh dengan cara menempel pada benda-benda lain, seperti batang pohon atau bebatuan di lereng pegunungan. Ada pula yang tumbuh merambat pada batang tanaman lain.

Meskipun demikian, anggrek dendrobium tumbuh tanpa merugikan pohon atau batang yang ditempeli. Berbeda dengan tanaman benalu yang tumbuh dengan cara yang sama, namun sangat merugikan inangnya. Suhu udara yang cukup lembap sangat membantu pertumbuhan anggrek dendrobium. Kondisi ini menjadikan anggrek dendrobium sebagai tanaman favorit, baik untuk tanaman hias dalam pot maupun sebagai bunga potong.

Pemeliharaan Anggrek Dendrobium

Bila ingin memelihara sekaligus mengembangbiakkan anggrek dendrobium, berikut adalah beberapa hal yang harus Anda perhatikan.

1. Intensitas Cahaya Matahari, Suhu, dan Kelembapan

Anggrek dendrobium sangat suka cahaya matahari dibanding anggrek jenis lainnya. Intensitas sinar matahari yang dibutuhkan cukup sedang, tidak perlu sinar matahari langsung. Intensitasnya sekitar 50 hingga 60 persen. Intensitas tersebut membuat kebun anggrek dendrobium memerlukan naungan yang memadai. Anggrek dendrobium tumbuh dengan baik pada suhu 28 hingga 32 derajat celcius dan kelembapan sekitar 50 persen.

2. Ventilasi Udara dalam Ruang Pemeliharaan

Anggrek dendrobium memerlukan aliran udara yang memadai. Ventilasi yang baik akan mendukung pertumbuhannya secara optimal. Terkadang, pemelihara anggrek dendrobium memasang kipas angin apabila aliran udara dalam ruang pemeliharaan dirasa kurang memenuhi standar.

3. Penyiraman

Anda bisa menyiram anggrek dendrobium dua kali sehari. Meskipun demikian, penyiraman hendaknya dilakukan jangan terlalu pagi atau jangan terlalu malam. Kelembapan yang tinggi akan membuat anggrek mudah terserang jamur. Bila kondisi mendung, cukup menyiram anggrek dendrobium sekali sehari.

4. Penanggulangan Hama

Meski perawatan dan pemeliharaan sudah dilakukan dengan maksimal, terkadang hama dan penyakit bisa saja menghampiri anggrek dendrobium. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan penyemprotan insektisida dan fungisida satu minggu sekali sesuai dosis obat yang digunakan. Jangan lupa, sebaiknya, penyemprotan dilakukan pada sore hari.

5. Pemupukan

Pemberian nutrisi bagi tanaman perlu ditingkatkan dari waktu ke waktu. Anggrek dendrobium perlu diberi pemupukan dua minggu sekali dengan pupuk yang mempunyai unsur-unsur dasar kebutuhan tanaman, seperti nitrogen (N), fosfor (P), dan kalium (K). Pemupukan ini menjaga kondisi anggrek supaya tetap indah dan sedap dipandang.

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Anggrek Cattleya

Anggrek genus Cattleya ini mendapat gelar “Corsage” Orchid.  Nama Cattleya diambil dari  nama William Cattley, seorang hortikulturist / ahli hortikultura asal Inggris yg hidup di abad 19.   William Cattley berjasa sebagai orang pertama yang mengkoleksi anggrek2 eksotik.

Perlakuan budidaya cattleya untuk tumbuh dengan baik adalah dengan memkondisikan lingkungan tumbuhnya sebagai berikut:
Intensitas cahaya : Cattleya perlu sinar matahari tapi hindari cahaya matahari langsung
Atur intensitas cahaya sekitar   20 – 30 %

Untuk cattleya dewasa, suhu malam 13 – 16°C (55 – 60°F) dan suhu siang 21 – 30°C (70- 85°F)
Untuk bibit Cattleya suhu malam 15 – 20°C untuk malam dan 21 – 32° C suhu unutk  siang
Beda suhu malam – suhu siang yg direkomendasikan adalah sekitar 4 – 8°C (10 – 20°F).
Temperatur siang sampe 35°C juga doleh, tetapi harus  disray dengan banyak, diatur agar peredaran udaranya bagus dan naungan ditambah.


Dilakukan mengarah ke medium dalam pot dan juga berupa sray ke udara utk meningkatkan kelembaban udara / humiditas.
Jumlahnya tergantung dari besarnya pot, umur cattleya, suhu udara dan juga penyinaran sinar matahari.  Cattleya dewasa media yang benar-benar kering sebelum disiram kembali, sedangkan anakan cattleya hrs tetap terjaga kelembaban medianya (gak boleh sampe kering tapi juga jangan terlalu basah)
Kalo teman berada di negara 4 musim yg biasanya airnya dingin, ati2 kalo siram cattleya airnya harus > 10°C, jangan pake air keran yg dingin ya.

Kelembaban Udara (RH)
Cattleya perlu kelembaban udara berkisar 50 – 80%.  Harus banyak dispray dengan butiran sangat halus / mist.  Walau perlu lembab tapi jangan biarkan air tergenang karena akan mempermudah fungi /jamur berkembang biak

Pemupukan secara reguler dengan pupuk nitrogen dosis tinggi (30-10-10) kemudian untuk pembungaan berikan pupuk dengan fosfor yang tinggi (10-30-20).  Biasanya setiap 4 – 6 kali aplikasi pupuk dan dosis tinggi diselingi dengan sekali pupuk pada dosis tinggi.  Pada saat masa aktif (biasanya musim semi – musim panas) beri pupuk sekali dalam 2 minggu.  Saat fase istirahat (musim gugur, musim dingin) cukup dipupuk sebulan sekali.

Penggantian Pot
Perlu dilakukan jika akar cattleya dari potnya atau potnya  pecah.  Pergantian pot akan lebih baik dilakukan  sebelum akar muda keluar dari rhizomenya, atau setelah berbunga. Jika di negara 4 musim pergantian pot dilakukan saat musim semi.
Saat pergantian pot, potong akar tua / akar busuk, masukan cattleya kemudian tambahkan sisa media sampai potnya penuh.  Tekan seputar akar tapi jangan sampai rusak akarnya.  Gunakan penyanggah , bila perlu.  Letakkan cattleya yang baru dipindahkan ini di tempat lembab tapi biarkan kering / jangan siram akarnya utk beberapa saat.  Dengan demikian akan memacu akar2 muda untuk keluar.

Jenis-Jenis Cattleya :

1. Cattleya intermedia

2. Cattleya Brabantiae

3. Cattleya Bicolor

4. Cattleya Clarkiae

5. Cattleya Lynn Spencer Walkeriana

6.  Cattleya Corcovado

7.  Cattleya Bicolor Brasiliensis

8. Cattleya  Gold Digger-Buttercup

9. Cattleya Green Emerald

10. Cattleya Nobilis Natali

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Oncidiae Intergeneric Hybrid

Intergeneric hybrids consist of several different genera that are can be crossed together to create new “man made” intergeneric orchids. Cochlioda, Miltonia, Odontoglossum, Oncidium and Ada are some of the genera that are commonly used. The result of these hybrids leads to new genera names that can get pretty confusing. Some common intergeneric names are Vuylstekeara (Vuyl.), Colmanara (Colm.), Odontonia and Adaglossum. You will commonly see “mericlones” of intergenerics as they are very easy to clone and produce high quality/high quantity plants.

Oncidiae Intergeneric Hybrid care 
Water when the mix just approaches dryness. This will mean about every 5-7 days. A way to check the mix for moisture is by sticking a wooden pencil into the mix about 3”-4”. When you pull the pencil out, check the wooden end. If it has turned dark in color, the mix is still wet and you should wait a day or two. Oncidiums prefer clean water without a lot of mineral content. Therefore growing best when you use distilled, reverse osmosis or rainwater. Check out our Kent Marine page for more information on reverse osmosis systems. Do not use softened water.

We highly recommend Green Jungle Orchid Food, especially formulated to work with rain, distilled, reverse osmosis water or water low in alkalinity. Fertilize with Green Jungle every time you water, all year round. This is the fertilizer that we developed and use on our own plants. The results have been excellent.

Use GrowMore 20-10-20 Ureafree for municipal or well water. Use at the rate of ½ teaspoon per gallon.

As Intergeneric hybrids are composed of several different genera, they can tolerate a wide range of light. For best results, as a general rule of thumb low to medium light (1000-2000 footcandles) works best. Most Intergeneric plants will develop black spots on the leaves if they receive too much light. However, Intergenerics generally have black spots on the leaf tips. These plants also grow well under artificial lights.

L.E.D. Grow Lights are a great way to provide artificial light to your orchids. See our L.E.D. Grow Lights page for more information on the great bulbs we offer.

Ideal night temperatures (fall, winter, and spring months) are 60°-64° Fahrenheit. Ideal daytime temperatures are 70°-85°F. Summer temperatures are generally a few degrees warmer.

50% or higher is ideal. Humidity is not top priority for Intergeneric orchids. However, healthier growths generally develop with higher humidity.

We offer two products that can help increase humidity levels. The humidity tray offered in black or white, and the Mist Maker. Please click on the underlined text for more information on these products.

Intergeneric orchids have a wide variety of shapes and colors. They often bloom twice a year. Most intergenerics can bloom twice a year, producing several flowers from a multi-branched flower spike. Flowers generally last for about 2 months.

Intergeneric plants do well in regular orchid bark medium. They also enjoy growing in New Zealand sphagnum moss when they are in smaller pots.

source :

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